
In California, the Future Is Still Electric

At every level, the state is ramping up for widespread electric vehicle adoption. And it’s ready to throw down with President Trump.
Electric cars sit charging in a parking garage at the University of California, Irvine.Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

No question about it: The next four years will darken U.S. action on climate change.

In a meeting yesterday with automakers where he promised to roll back environmental regulations, President Donald Trump declared, “I am, to a large extent, an environmentalist.” Here is that extent: The man himself has shown weak signs of backpedaling on his climate denialism. He has appointed a cabinet full of unapologetically pro-oil leaders: The former chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, is the designated Secretary of the State. Scott Pruitt, the climate-denying Oklahoma attorney general who built his career suing the EPA over emissions-reduction standards and clean-energy targets, is now set to lead that very agency. And this week, the the administration leveled a blanket freeze on all EPA grants and contracts—as well as a media gag.