
A Museum Exhibit Based Around the Humble Plastic Bag

Cost of entry to this unusual Swiss show: One plastic sack (seriously).
Michael Lio/Gewerbemuseum on Facebook

If you were carrying around a plastic bag near the Gewerbemuseum in Switzerland in June, you were lucky. That happened to be the exact price of entry.

That's because the museum is celebrating this commonplace form of conveyance with a full-on artistic extravaganza. "Oh, Plastiksack!," the vaguely Christmassy-sounding title of the bag exhibit, runs until October at the Gewerbemuseum, located in Winthertur about a half-hour's drive northeast of Zurich. During its first few opening days, the museum swapped free admissions for nearly 5,000 plastic bags, which it will turn in for safe disposal.