
Is This the Way to Find Privacy on Economy Flights?

It might make you look like a big, misanthropic baby, but this head sling for fliers promises solitude and comfort.
Idan Noyberg/Gal Bulka

“Privacy” and “comfort” are not words often associated with flying, especially if you're flying economy. You're about as likely to have a relaxed journey as you are to find Samuel L. Jackson hollering about boa constrictors (and even that might be preferable to a symphony of bawling babies).

But two Jerusalem-based designers – Idan Noyberg and Gal Bulka, the same team behind those solar-powered clothespins – have come up with a device that promises to turn irritating flights into smooth cruises to dreamland. It has everything: privacy, headrests, storage spaces. And it's only drawbacks are possible major safety concerns and making its user look like a big, antisocial baby in a big-baby sling.