
On Airpnp, Supply and Demand Heads to the Bathroom

What a peer-to-peer, pay-to-pee service says about the lack of public restrooms in Western cities.
Would you pay to use a stranger's loo to escape this line?AP/Bebeto Matthews

Whether you're in a new city or your hometown, it doesn't matter—if you're out and about and have to pee, you're often in a loo-scouting quandary. Is there a library around? A department store? Maybe you just hustle into the nearest cafe and pretend you're meeting someone. Goodness knows the odds of a bonafide public restroom being nearby—let alone one you'd remotely want to step into—are long.

It's for these knee-knocking moments that two New Orleans-based developers offer Airpnp, which is exactly what it sounds like: a peer-to-peer, pay-to-pee mobile and web service—like Airbnb, but just for a bathroom stay. Got a shotgun-style house close to Bourbon Street (or anywhere in the world), they ask? Rent, if you dare, your bathroom, at whatever price you want, and under whatever conditions. Need to tinkle/go #2/change a tampon/avoid a regional vomiting fine? Airpnp wants to ease your anxious potty search.