
Are 'Treescrapers' the Future of Dense Urban Living?

A vertical garden tower just won a significant award for architecture. Is it time to start taking these designs seriously?
Bosco Verticale, designed by Boeri Studio.Daniele Zacchi/Boeri Studio

Passive House designers are the Fremen of the architectural world. They look at buildings the same way that Dune’s noble desert tribe thinks about water. For the Fremen, the stillsuit is an essential tool for capturing moisture on a harsh desert world at all costs. For the Passive House designer, designing a building involves sealing it to retain energy and heat at all costs—or rather at low costs.

So when I asked a Passive House designer for his thoughts about a relatively new and unconventional type of building design, he replied with the kind of concern a water-conscious Fremen might feel looking at a leaky faucet on Arrakis.