
How London Fell Out of Love With the 'Garden Bridge'

First seen as symbol of a bright new future, the structure has come to reflect the city’s wider problems.
Heatherwick Studio

No running, no music, no picnics, no groups of eight or more, no kite flying, no visits after midnight.

These might sound like the rules of some benign correctional facility for errant youth. They are, in fact, some of the 30 prohibitions that will govern visitors to London’s planned Garden Bridge. A subject of intense criticism for some time, the bridge, designed by Thomas Heatherwick, saw its star fall even farther on Friday, when yet more controls planned for the bridge were reported by the Guardian.* According to a planning document, Garden Bridge visitors would have their mobile phone signals tracked, while visitor hosts would be accredited with the right to demand names and addresses of suspected rule-breakers.