
Mapping Hundreds of Power Disruptions Caused by ... Squirrels

The work hopes to counter political fear-mongering over terrorist cyberattacks.
Cyber Squirrel

An electrified squirrel causing a black-out in your neighborhood is more than an unfortunate occurrence for all parties involved—it’s a regular event that happens much more often than you might think.

Now, thanks to the work of an East Coast resident going by Cyber Squirrel, you can track the furry animals sadly snared in the grid. Cyber Squirrel has created a map, based on news reports, showing places where squirrels have gotten caught in power equipment and disrupted electrical service. It includes 623 instances since 1987, though the real number is likely much higher. (For variety’s sake, the map has dozens of reports of other creatures causing disruptions—214 for birds, 47 for snakes, nine for beavers, etc.)