
Climb With This Stunt Devil up a Humongous Smokestack

Man fulfills lifelong dream of yelling "Whooo!" down a towering chimney.

This site has covered the high-wire antics of British builderer James Kingson before, and when I check back in on him, I'm always amazed to find him still alive and not flattened into a human shag carpet. Kingson has somehow given the grim reaper the slip again, as he just posted footage of himself balancing on the tippy-top of an immense German smokestack.

This new video reveals a crucial yet little-known practice in urban climbing: Always start with a wee, presumably so you don't wet yourself during a stressful moment. The climb then begins, with Kingson bypassing a security fence that looks ripped from the sword chair in "Game of Thrones" and ascending a narrow ladder into the realm of eagles.