
How Much Is Paris Worth? According to a New Estimate, Just $956 Billion

France is buzzing about a new book that tries to put a price tag on the city, while also tracing its pattern of property ownership over time.
Photo illustration by Mark Byrnes

If Paris were on sale, it could be yours for $956 billion. That, at least, is the price tag suggested by French historian Patrice de Moncan’s new book Que Vaut Paris? (How Much Is Paris Worth?), published in France this month. Written together with the head of the French National Real Estate Federation, Gilles Ricour de Bourgies, the book tallies up the total value of all property within Paris intra-muros, the historic core of the city's metropolitan area.

Residential apartments and houses, the book estimates, are worth $710 billion, while its office space could hypothetically be yours for $192 billion. Empty Paris's 84,000 shops of their contents, and their collective value is slightly under $54 billion.