
This Tiny Tool Will Have You Nailing Wall Art

The Eyeballer: An easy alternative to banging a bunch of holes in your wall.
Two Sawhorses And A Door, Inc.

So you've got some wall art that needs hanging. That framed milkshake kittens poster you bought outside Safeway is going to make for some banging kitchen decor. With your fine sense of wall arrangement and perfectly functional peepers, you think you know where to nail—riiiight about there. Whack goes the hammer. Kittens elegantly hung, right? WRONG. Your nail location is way off, thrown off by that pesky D-ring on the back of the frame.

Do you dare nail again? Do you dust off a measuring tape? Never! Try the Eyeballer, a cheap, plastic "pre-nail" tool that lets you find the perfect spot to hammer. Simply slide the Eyeballer into your frame's D-ring, and lock in place. Now gently press the print against where you want it on the wall. The Eyeballer will leave a mark—subtle, but obvious enough to know exactly where to nail.