
Anatomy of an L.A. Police Pursuit

How police and media helicopters navigate the crowded airspace of L.A. when a suspect's on the run.
Mark Byrnes

It's the sort of escapade Los Angeles has long been known for: a man in a stolen car with an AK-47 drives dangerously through the streets of rush-hour L.A. with a tail of about 8 police cars directly behind, and even more following a short ways back. The driver had allegedly carjacked the vehicle from its owner earlier that day – a slightly less concerning crime than the homicide he allegedly committed in July. The car's electronic tracking system had alerted police to its location and a chase ensued for more than an hour – at relatively low speed – through the city. An LAPD helicopter trailing overhead and a plethora of black-and-whites behind, the driver had few options for escape.

He eventually misjudged an intersection's cross traffic and crashed into another car, bringing the vehicle pursuit to a halt. Climbing out of the car, he stumbled into the street where, with the car he just hit standing in as a shield, he got into a brief firefight with the police. He was promptly shot, arrested and taken off to the hospital with critical but nonlethal wounds.