
Could Genetically Mutated Mushrooms Solve India's Energy Crisis?

Also, might irradiated zucchini plants alleviate global warming?
Tobias Revell

Let's just answer the question posed in the headline right off the bat: No. Giant, floppity mushrooms will not be the basis of a secondary power grid in India in any conceivable future I can visualize, as delicious an idea as it sounds.

But seeing as exploiting organisms like algae to create electricity is an obsession among some futurists, let's take a moment to consider Tobias Revell's sci-fi story of how slum dwellers in Mumbai flipped their lives around with a handful of genetically mutated fungus. A graduate of the outlandish-idea factory that is London's Royal College of Art's Design Interactions program, Revell has theorized an alternate future seemingly ripped straight from the wet neural material of Michael Crichton.