
High Heels Designed Especially for Cycling

You can make your own wood-and-leather heels that clip into the pedals following this eight-step process.
Corwin / Instructables

Ladies: Are you fed up with the lack of decent high-heeled shoes for biking? Do you wish there was a pump that could devilishly pedal yet wasn't the color of baby puke or cost an arm and a leg?

If so, find sartorial salvation in the these "high-heel, clipless bike shoes" designed by Instructables tinkerer Corwin, who resides in the Bay-Area city of Emeryville. Corwin was inspired to cobble together this special footwear, which has metal on the soles to clip into the pedals, using the program Solidworks, some leather, and a "nice chunk of Zebra wood" he found at a lumber store in Berkeley. His motivation for creating the bespoke bike gear involves romance story that's both charming and a little bittersweet, he explains: