
A Dot Map of All the U.S. Ladies

Women—especially, young single ones—love cities. But they make up a bigger part of the population in some places than others.
CARTODB/Andrew Hill

Dot maps are pretty, and pretty useful. In the past, they’ve shown us how different racial groups are spread out across the U.S., where immigrants live, and which places have the most jobs. Now a new dot map visualizes where all the American ladies live, and how their numbers compare to the rest of the population.

CartoDB’s Andrew Hill created this map using 2014 census data. Each dot in his map represents 1,000 women, and is shaded based on the ratio of women to the total population in that census tract. So the white dots are where women make up less than 49 percent of the total population, and the pinkest ones exist where they make up more than 52 percent: