
How to Make Enemies: Unmask New York's Biggest Commuting Secrets

By posting signs about where to board for the easiest transfers, EPP hopes to make riding a little easier. But the MTA is not amused.
Efficient Passenger Project

The New York City subway system is in many ways a marvel, a model of what can be done with public transportation. It operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, moving 5.3 million people on an average weekday through 468 stations. There is no other system in the United States that comes anywhere close to matching its volume or scope.

It is also stubbornly antique. A few lines have countdown clocks letting you know when the next train is coming, and a few stations have electronic information displays. Wifi is available on a handful of platforms. But for the most part, learning how to use the system efficiently requires old-school skills and hard-won knowledge.