
The Most Desolate City on Earth: Gunkanjima, aka 'Battleship Island'

This abandoned coal mine off of Nagasaki would be a wicked place to have a paintball match.
Jordy Meow/Wikipedia

Of all the places to conduct a really wicked paintball match, Gunkanjima just about takes the cake.

Utterly abandoned, the former coal-mining site stands like a rotten tooth jutting from the turbulent waters off Nagasaki. A formidable seawall protects a dense warren of empty factory buildings and crumbling apartments. Roofs have blown off or caved in and walls have sloughed off their skins, leaving the skeletal underpinning of buildings visible. Dark hallways and dangerous, twisting staircases abound in M.C. Escherian complexity, leading to ruined vistas with names like "Block 65" and the "Stairway to Hell."