
Why the Boston Marathon Is an Especially Sinister Target for Terror

The bombings have turned all the cues and surroundings of this time of year upside down.

There are times when cities and annual rites come together in wonderful ways, where a sense of place is inextricably linked with a particular event – think Times Square on New Year’s Eve, or the French Quarter at Mardi Gras. For me, this list must include the Back Bay in Boston on Patriots' Day, the third Monday in April when the Red Sox traditionally play a day game and streets, buildings, landmarks, and parks all become a glorious backdrop for the running of the Boston Marathon.

In Boston, preparations for Patriots' Day are as sure a signal of spring as seeing robins and crocuses. I'm always first tipped off on my way into the University Club, noticing five prized parking spaces roped off for a fleet of black SUVs. This year, running errands, I walked right down Boylston Street the Friday before and snapped a picture of the finish line while it was being repainted.