
Nutritious Food Is Getting More Expensive

New research shows a widening gap between the price of healthy and not-so-healthy foods.
Breads and high-calorie sodas remain affordable. Healthy veggies are becoming more costly.Concept Photo /

Equal access to healthy food is becoming more challenging each year. In the U.K., for instance, carbs have remained generally affordable during the past decade. Prices for healthy, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, meanwhile, have noticeably risen.

According to a new study published by the journal PLOS One, a potentially dangerous disparity between the prices of healthy foods versus those that are less so may be growing. Between 2002 and 2012, starchy foods like bread, rice, and pasta were the only food group to not increase in price. Conversely, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables experienced the greatest price hikes. In total, the average price of healthy foods in the United Kingdom increased threefold over the 10-year span when compared to less-healthy alternatives. Compounding this concern is that wage growth has been relatively flat since the Great Recession, further limiting access to proper nutrition for low-income families.