
The Biggest Winner in the U.S. Olympic Bid? Worcester, Massachusetts

The case for New England's unloved second city and its supporting role in #Boston2024.
Downtown Worcester, MassacushettsFlickr/LEONARDO DASILVA

Boston will represent the United States in its bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics. But, sorry Boston—you actually aren't the biggest winner here. In fact, you aren't even the biggest winner in your state. That glory goes to Worcester, Massachusetts.

New England's second-largest city is known for—well—nothing. Worcester played no role in helping Boston secure its Olympic bid. Worcester will probably contribute none of the roughly $10 to $20 billion needed to finance the 2024 event (if Boston locks it up). Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, and the rest of the Summer Olympians have probably never heard of Worcester. But the city, located 45 miles west of Boston, will earn the biggest return from a Boston Olympics.