
The Case for Giving Homes to the Homeless

It might seem obvious, but in lots of cities it's also proved quite effective.

In Charlotte, North Carolina, people who have a history of homelessness, as well as physical or mental disabilities, can get their own apartment at a non-profit-run, 85-unit complex called Moore Place. The development runs on the “housing-first” approach to homelessness: give people the keys to their own residence, then try to resolve the issues that led them to lose their homes. The model essentially flips a more longstanding approach that many people call the “treatment-first” model, which focuses on fixing the problems before providing the housing.

Despite its limited applications, the housing-first approach has been successful in a number of cities, and a new study suggests Moore Place is no exception. Researchers at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte report that not only do housing projects like Moore Place dramatically help the homeless population, but they also help cities save money and free up civic resources.