
Donald Trump Is Wrong About Stop-and-Frisk

Stop-and-frisk has not been going “incredibly well” in New York City, as Trump says—or in any other city.
David Goldman/AP

When it comes to campaign rhetoric designed to inflame African Americans, using terms like “black-on-black crime” and “stop-and-frisk” in the same breath will rarely disappoint. And Donald Trump did just that during a town hall talk Wednesday night hosted by Sean Hannity of Fox News:

There seem to be few morsels of truth that Trump ever finds savory. And so it should surprise no one that he’s claiming that the “stop-and-frisk” approach to policing has “worked incredibly well” in New York City. This method enabled rampant racial profiling by the New York Police Department, which former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani has roundly encouraged. In 2013, a federal judge declared the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk activities unconstitutional. And yet Trump endorsed this unlawful practice during a visit to Pittsburgh Thursday—and said it should be used nationwide.