
Can Altering a Stoplight's Yellow Signal Help Save Lives?

Take a trip to the "dilemma zone," the strip of road where auto accidents are born.
Rian Castillo

You're coming up on an intersection and the light turns yellow. What do you do: Apply the brakes, or slam on the gas like you're trying to bust though a Nigerian military checkpoint?

This is actually a question that traffic engineers have spent countless hours investigating. Over the years, they've found that exactly how drivers react when a light switches to yellow has a lot to do with whether they're within the "dilemma zone," kind of like the "Danger Zone" but less cool (it doesn't involved high-altitude dogfights). This zone is a stretch of road before an intersection, varying in length according to a car's speed, in which a driver who sees a light go yellow might feel great indecision over what to do.