
When Automotive 'Drifting' Goes Horribly Wrong, in Saudi Arabia

Could this be the worst car accident ever put to video?

They call it tufush: a "great national boredom" among the youth of Saudi Arabia. Flooded with hormones but lacking opportunities to really go wild – this being a strict Muslim society – the kids of the oil kingdom have embraced some fairly crazy hobbies to get their howling yayas out.

Among them is drifting, the "sport" of accelerating like you're trying to break the light barrier and then slamming on the brakes. Doing so creates two possible outcomes: 1) having the vehicle slide around like a crazy-cool doodlebug while the tires ferociously screech and smoke, or 2) prompting a massive car wreck that maims or kills everyone involved, often in the most gruesome way possible.