
Socialism Will Continue to Rise Regardless of Election Results

Even if the 2018 midterm elections seemingly produce a blue wave, non-traditional candidates will continue to rise as Bernie Sanders has injected socialism into national discourse.
Bernie Sanders supporters hold 'Medicare for All' signs in Washington, D.C. "Medicare for All" has not been universally supported by Democrats in Congress.Jacquelyn Martin/AP

If the Democrats take back the House in Tuesday’s midterm elections, there will be a palpable sense of relief for millions of people horrified, and terrified, by Donald Trump. But hopes that a “blue wave” can erase the stain of the presidency on U.S. politics seem almost naïve.

An emboldened right-wing is willing to tear up all the rules of the game. A timid Democratic Party is barely mounting a challenge, with its leader in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, displaying only the wannest of enthusiasm for bold policy proposals that enjoy majority support such as a “Medicare for All” healthcare plan. This confluence of aggression and accommodation is driving a new factor in U.S. politics: the dramatic growth of socialism.