
Cory Booker Is Now the Senate's Highest Profile Advocate for Criminal Justice Reform

Will he actually accomplish anything?

Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Elizabeth Warren all showed up in Washington, D.C., ready to rumble. Warren, elected in November 2012, went to war with student lenders almost immediately. Paul, elected in 2010, and Cruz, elected in 2012, brought sustained spotlight to their pet issues -- drones and Obamacare, respectively.

Based on his larger-than-life time as Newark mayor, I expect Senator-elect Cory Booker won't wait for permission to do the same. And hopefully, criminal justice reform will be one of his big topics. A clue that it might make the list? Booker's campaign released several memos throughout his Senate race, but one in particular stood out for its scope and vision: "Reforming America's Criminal Justice System: Refocusing on Delivering Results, Aligning with Our Values, and Reducing the Burden on Taxpayers."