
Why a Pedestrian Avenue Makes So Much Sense for Midtown Manhattan

Despite initial skepticism, a 6 ½ Avenue would merely legitimize behavior that is already happening.
Sarah Goodyear

New Yorkers pride themselves on knowing the secret ins and outs of the city. Anything to get an edge on the competition. One highly prized piece of intel is the route that allows you to cut through Midtown skyscrapers from 51st Street to 57th Street by using midblock arcades. These privately owned public spaces create a shortcut for those who want to avoid the tourist-clogged sidewalks of Sixth and Seventh avenues.

Now the city’s Department of Transportation is proposing that the semi-secret route become a little less secret. The DOT wants to put in raised crosswalks and stop signs at midblock, allowing pedestrians to proceed from one arcade to the next without jaywalking.