
Do More Car Accidents Happen in Bigger Cities?

New data suggests that city population plays little role in frequency of collisions.
Flickr/LorE Denizen

The more people a city has the more cars it has and the more crashes it has, right? That would seem an easy logic to believe, but according to newly released data, that assumption is wrong.

A report out from Allstate Insurance shows that the population of a city has little to no impact on the frequency of crashes that occur. The report looks at collisions and claims among its customers to determine where the most and least crashes occur in the 200 most populous cities in the U.S., though the list only includes 195 cities. (The data, collected between January 2009 and December 2010, does not include cities in Massachusetts, a state not covered by Allstate, as well as a few other areas where data was unavailable.)