
Global Gender Wage Equality Could Be 100 Years Away

A new report from the World Economic Forum explains why.

In yet another reminder of how slowly the fight for women’s rights has progressed, the World Economic Forum just announced that it will take another 118 years to close the global pay gap. That means that women will have to wait until the year 2133 to finally achieve wage equality with men—a milestone that, sadly, most of us won’t be around to celebrate.

This data comes from the World Economic Forum’s 2015 Global Gender Gap report, which looks at the health, education, economic participation, and political empowerment of men and women in more than 100 countries. The report finds that women around the world are making the same amount that men did in 2006—even as the global female workforce has gained a quarter of a billion women since then. Over the past decade, the gender wage gap has only closed by a meager 4 percent according to the report, with “labor force parity stalling markedly since 2009/2010.”